What joy it is to visit Samos. With its unique locations. Sometimes you wander through it’s narrow and labyrinthine alleys and you arrive at the sea that enchants all your senses with its smell, color, breeze, saltiness and rustle of pebbles. But nothing is what it seems. Danger always lurks nearby.
Fire Hazard
Samos is one of the few islands in the Aegean Sea with large forests, but only a quarter was left after the fire in 2000 which lasted five days. In the summer of 2021, fires all over Greece were on the news.
A major fire around the city of Kokkari, Samos in July 2021 was the reason for the establishment of a foundation from the Friends of Samos community. This film (kokkarivideo) made by the dutchman Karel Schut who lives in the island of Samos may be viewed to clarify the significance.
The Samos Fire Brigade
The professional fire brigade have 3 barracks locations on the island. Responding to every fire alarm on time is impossible, given the vastness of the island and the poor road network is the reason why (almost) every village in Samos has its own group of volunteer firefighters.
At least a total of 670 volunteers are called for in the event of a (natural) fire, they are on the front lines and generally the first on the scene.
It is critical to have adequate equipment available. The necessities varies from proper firefighting clothes to water tankers and everything in between.
Municipalities in Samos do not have sufficient funds to support the voluntary fire brigade. That's why we appeal to you, as tourist/visitor/friend/lover of Samos.
The Friends of Samos foundation is a charitable foundation with ANBI status. This stands for Public Benefit Institution. This is a status that has been issued by the Dutch tax authorities.
Attention is paid to the transparency of the organization with at least 90 percent of the goal and activities are of general interest, and that the organization does not make a profit.
The foundation aims to support the volunteer fire brigade on the Greek island Samos and the conservation and/or restoration of nature on Samos. Hence the collection of money and materials.
The board of the foundation is formed by 4 Dutch people, 3 of whom live in the Netherlands and 1 living on Samos.
The foundation was formalized in the winter of 2021 and a bank account was opened.
You can help the local volunteers
Please help us to help the volunteer firefighters in Samos. This can be done through a fixed monthly amount or a one-time donation. Even with 1 euro you can make a difference!
Thank you on behalf of the volunteer fire fighters of Samos.
Chamber of Commerce : 83 94 66 59
RSIN-nr: 86 30 44 104
Founded on September 20, 2021
Dit zijn onze sponsoren. Zij ondersteunen de Stichting Vrienden van Samos door een gift/donatie. De opbrengst ervan komt geheel ten goede aan de vrijwillige brandweer van Samos. Als dank worden hun advertentie gepubliceerd op onze Facebookpagina. Wilt u sponsor worden? Stuur een email naar: vriendenvansamos@gmail.com. Wij sturen u dan de voorwaarden toe.
These are our sponsors. They support the Friends of Samos Foundation through a gift/donation. All proceeds will benefit the volunteer fire brigade of Samos. As a 'thank you', their advertisement will be published on our Facebook page. Would you like to become a sponsor? Send an email to: vriendenvansamos@gmail.com. We then will send you the terms.